The Spirit of Business working from the inside out
BY JILLY GABRIELSON, Wellbeing Mentor, Bright Spark Health. Originally shared on Matters Magazine Over the past couple of years, I’ve mentored hundreds of retail owners and staff on Workplace Wellbeing to support them through the business’s ups and downs. When I stripped away all the bells and whistles, it became clear how we overcomplicate business […]
Being Of Service
Today, at my local breakfast café, the manager took my order and mentioned, “We have a lot of new staff and customers coming in at the moment!” Curiously, I asked, “Why do you feel that is happening?” She replied, “Fewer people want to do simple service jobs anymore. Everyone wants to be someone, focusing […]
Intuition, often underutilized in business, can be dissected to mean “IN TU I TION,” suggesting the action of delving inward — an act of sensing beyond what is outwardly visible and palpable. Much of our lives are spent looking outward, forming beliefs based on external cues. For instance, “I’m not smart enough to run my […]
Corporate Spin
Are you in a corporate spin? Have you worked hard all your life and are now wondering what it has all been about? Right now we are in a period of great change experienced through Global uncertainty which consciously or unconsciously facilitates our own internal shift. Life now has more uncertainties and as time […]
A Quick Way Through Challenges
Often through habit we keep doing the same thing, the same way and get the same result. It becomes so automatic we don’t even realise, changing the way we do it, could deliver a different outcome. This happens when challenges come into our life. No matter how big or small they throw our internal senses […]
The Corporate World Can Be A Scary Place!
Do As I Say, Not As I Do!
The Spirit of Business
Most companies are still dominated by numbers, analysis and information. It makes it difficult for skills such as intuition, gut instincts and non-linear thinking to rate a mention. In our vastly changing climate these are the skills that will be more and more valued as this forms connection with people and helps to stabilise whatever […]
What Is Conscious Leadership?
Conscious Leadership is when an individual operates openly, clearly, intuitively, integrally and is connected to people and situations. They lead by example and are able to look at themselves along with being able to see other perspectives. They use their ever increasing awareness to enhance situations by working from the Bigger Picture which connects to […]