Being A Failure Maybe Good News

For much of our life many of us have tried to be perfect or change ourselves so we are acceptable to others. From an early age society teaches us to seek approval outside ourselves to give the feeling of security and that we are loved. It may be in the seeking of this […]
The River

Our soul carries a natural life force that connects us to an energetic flow outside the physical world. This greater field holds our day-to-day physical experiences that join together to form life. We can lead a safe and secure life by using our mind to work out what we want and how we will get […]
Are We Trying To Control Our Nature?

I was sitting by the Noosa River looking at the brown water lapping against the ragged shore line littered with broken branches and fallen trees from the recent storms. A couple next to me were sipping on takeaway lattes as they talked about the restaurant they had gone to the previous night and were […]
Go WithThe Flow – With or Without Relationship

A little thought to consider… We can complicate our lives by the way we think and the emotions we link to our experiences which locks them in as if they are true. For instance, we could have a relationship partner who we really love and would like to settle down with. He may not feel […]

We can talk forever about our awareness of the bigger picture and what it might mean to be spiritual but maybe we need to ground our awareness in a heartfelt demonstration of living this way. If we are truly opening our heart with each other things will be changing and life will hold more […]
Emotional Cleanse

“Not another detox, part of me thinks I don’t want to do that, it’s too hard however the part that is in tune knows how beneficial a physical clean out can be.” Just as our home needs a regular “move the furniture” type clean, so does our body. However, there is another cleanse that is […]
Finding the Natural Flow of Life

Everything is happening NOW. We are experiencing a reality shift like no other where things seem to be happening in one moment, rather than in a linear way and although we are participating, we are not necessarily consciously aware things are changing. We think we are living a “normal” life physically doing things but […]

Most of us are affected by rejection even if we don’t think we are. Anywhere in our life where we have been denied, stopped, confined, ignored, left or failed we would hold points of rejection in our heart. Every time a situation comes up where we feel rejected we will automatically withdraw, deny, blame, […]
Tick Tock – Is Time Speeding Up?

Have you noticed how quickly this year has gone by? We can feel it, but our mind rationalises our thoughts by suggesting… it’s been a busy year, or I must be imagining things, or it was the same number of days and months so it has to be the same as always. There […]
The Joy Of A Heartfelt Christmas

9 Simple ways you could improve the Christmas Day stress that sometimes occurs:- Have an intention for things to be different this year for the family gathering. Relax and know everything will be perfect when you come out of trying to be perfect! Connect with every task you do from your heart, not just your […]