Homeward Bound

Our current global environment may reflect people’s need to be heard and for those in power to know that their lives matters. They are tired of hearing the same old political rhetoric where nothing really changes except who is delivering the dialogue. People don’t want promises they want to feel real change in the right […]
Release Stress

Are you experiencing challenging times at the moment? There are many changes occurring right now and people are being affected in different ways whether through relationship, health, finance, work or in general. We are living in a time where uncertainty is a way of life. Even if we make plans and decide outcomes things can […]
What If?

What if we are now in a time where things don’t make sense? What if we were being pushed to come out of our mind and not have to make sense of anything? What if it is a time of letting go of trying to control outcomes, to discover what is within each and every […]
A Quick Way Through Challenges

Often through habit we keep doing the same thing, the same way and get the same result. It becomes so automatic we don’t even realise, changing the way we do it, could deliver a different outcome. This happens when challenges come into our life. No matter how big or small they throw our internal senses […]
Trying To Control Outcomes – Is it working?

Why Do We Try To Control? Are you trying to control outcomes? What if things are meant to be a different way from the way you might want it to look. At the moment, with change being so prolific, it is undeniable that no matter how hard we push something to be, there is a […]

The Sliding Doors Are Open

We can reflect on the past and know the future exists but right now what is the best move we can make? Everything comes into present time and it is the connection with this space that brings about possibilities. When decisions are made from the present time it is not a knee-jerk reaction, […]
Quick Wellbeing Check
Here are 10 Questions, if you answer “No” to more than 3 it might be time to make some changes in your life. Are you talking to everyone who is important in your life? Do you feel happy most of the time? Do you feel you have achieved your potential? Do you look after yourself […]
St. Augustine
The Trap of Significance

We all have a natural ability to let go of our emotions but sometimes we are attached to the drama and attention or simply don’t want to take responsibility for ourselves. Whatever it may be, it stops us moving freely from one experience to the next. By nature we are all light, free, caring, creative […]